Wednesday, July 30, 2008

longggg weekkkkk

so i've been volunteering at cub scout day camp this week. all i can say is that i feel pretty stupid when i'm rolling on the floor. my mother has persuaded me to put up the video she has of me... please do me a favor and DONT MAKE FUN OF ME. i realize i am an idiot and there is a good reason i haven't dragged my friends out to see me :)

so even though scout camp is okayyy, its very hot and to top it all off, i'm missing my mormon groups big kd (kings dominion for those of you not local...) trip on friday. can't stay i'm way excited about that. oh and i cant stay out late and party because i have to get up at six in the morning. well, i guess you cant really call getting dressed up to drive down the street to don jose's a party, but anyways, i got all ready and then didn't get to go because it was too late. once again, needless to say, i wasn't very happy... but still i take what i can get. hopefully tomorrow i can relax with my friend devynn down at our pool. i love that girl!

so besides all this excitement at day camp, my life has pretty much been pretty boring these last few days. i've had time to check my facebook and... well actually, thats about it! on monday night, i was able to go to the pool with devynn and two of my other friends, scott and tori. that was fun. then yesterday... i talked on the phone all night and today i went over to devynn's house with her and katie. okay, maybe i still do a few things. i dont know if i'll do camp next year though. i'm debating. i mean, in a way, it is kinda fun, but in another way... not. haha. well here's a few pictures to capture my last week. remember, you promised, no laughing!


Shannon said...

It's fun to see your blogging! I can't believe your uncle has a blog either! I mean, what MAN has their own blog.....

hmk said...

hahaaa... jk. u really don't look that bad.